Voting list
In Belenios:
- Votes are encrypted using the election’s key.
- Voters authenticate their vote using digital signatures.
- The voting list is publicly available. Everyone can verify the origin of every vote.
The Belenios voting system uses credential authorities to generate and send voters’ credentials.
Scrutin ship with a new credential authority:
Credentials are generated on users’ devices, whenever possible.
Because new users don’t have credentials yet, votes are delegated to the credential authority that generate a temporary credentials for them.
Anytime, users can update their credentials by new, locally generated, ones. They can do so by proving ownership of the account to the credential authority (by sending a challenge by email or by another channel)
If user loses their key, they can also upload new ones by proving account ownership. This would require dual-ownership of the ballot in this case: the user keypair, and an identity hub keypair. I don’t see any other mean to recover lost devices.